Shirt Services

This shirt is dry clean only. Which means… it’s dirty

A mainstay of the ihateironing service offering. You are guaranteed a clean that gleams followed by an imPRESSive three step press process giving your shirt the crisp perfection that stands smart, only at

Once collected, your shirts are initially inspected for any stains that need to be pre-treated and hand scrubbed before they are washed. Any buttons found loose or missing will be replaced on the house or as we like to say, on the iron.

Your shirts are then washed with the industry’s finest detergents and fabric conditioners which are tough on stains but soft on shirts, followed by a second inspection. Once our shirt specialists have ensured that all stains and marks have been thoroughly cleaned to a gleaming finish your shirt will then be pressed.

Before any creases have the chance to dry your shirt collar and cuffs will be pressed, straightened and smartly stiffened. Still wet, your shirt is then hung in our second shirt pressing machine: this time the torso and sleeves are steam pressed to perfection before it’s given a final hand press for a flawless finish. This is when we give your shirt it’s last inspection to ensure your order is up to our high standard.

Finally your shirts are then hung or folded per your personal preference before packaged and delivered to your doorstep, clean, crisp and ready to wear. Get ready to look forward to your Monday mornings.


* Price not available in Oxford and Cambridge